Ottawa Covid Test and Vaccine Location Map

Map created by Jiaziruo Sun, Shuheng Wang, Xinyin Zhang, Xiaoman Lin, Yuchen Hu

Motivation Data TaskAnalysis DesignProcess Visualization DataAnalysis Conclusion


In general, we have completed web page design, Google My Map visualization, Tableau bar chart, writing sections, and etc. During visulization design process, we reached task goals of creating interactive components including info window, zomm-in/out, filtering, toggle function,and direction guide. However, there is big improving space for our visualization. For example, we planned to make filters buttons for Covid test plots to allow users to choose between services of test for children, walk-in, or non-symptom test. But due to the limitations of Google My Map, we couldn't design the visualization as we wish because the function bars are default in My Map that we couldn't flexibly change the layout, as you can see the final visualization doesn't look like our prototype. Therefore, we may look in to other programming tools such as Google JS Api to make our visualization more visual pleased. For future work, we will constantly update the Covid case numbers in nrighbourhoods and new test locations, conduct user testing, and redesign the map based on user feedback.